Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Kale & Chickpea Salad

Mmmm, know what my favorite vegetable is? It's kale. Not only is kale delicious and versatile, it's ridiculously good for you. I try try to have kale or spinach every day, and my go-to recipe for kale is to saute it. However, it is summer, summer is hot, and generally I don't want to be within 20 feet of a hot stove.  Spinach salads are fine and dandy (and I will post some recipes when I'm no longer sick and tired of spinach), but I wanted to find a way to incorporate raw kale into my diet. I've never particularly enjoyed the texture or taste of kale in its raw state, but friends, VINEGAR CHANGES EVERYTHING. Don't let anyone tell you differently. It softens up the kale and (I think) allows it to absorb the other flavors you mix in! Let's go!

What you will need for cooking: 

  • A giant bowl
  • A knife
  • A food processor
  • Hands


  • 1 big bunch of kale
  • 1 can of chickpeas, rinsed and drained (or 3/4c dry chickpeas prepped using your desired method, if you've got time for that- though I have read that, unlike most canned vegetables, there is little nutritional difference between canned and home-prepped)
  • 1 very small onion, quartered (or chopped, depending on what your food processor can handle)
  • 3T apple cider vinegar (I use this one or Bragg's ACV- I think they have a noticeably better flavor than the kind that comes in $2 gallon jugs)
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 1/2t sea salt
  • 1/4c nutritional yeast
  • 1 big handful of fresh basil
  • 1T olive oil

Makes 10-12 big handfuls/servings.

How can you make this dream a reality?
1) Wash and drain the kale and tear into little pieces. I use a salad spinner, which really cuts the prep time. Place into giant bowl.
2) Combine all remaining ingredients except chickpeas in food processor and blend until smooth.
3) Add chickpeas to food processor and pulse a few times- you don't want a paste, just pulse until there are no whole chickpeas remaining.
4) Pour mixture over kale and massage in using your (clean) hands.
5) Om nom nom!!!

According to my calculations (based on what I found on the internet), each serving is right around 100 calories, give or take, with 6ish grams of protein. It's yummy and filling and good for you! It holds up well if kept in an airtight container, so I make a 4-quart Pyrex bowl of it and have it as part of my dinner (and sometimes lunch) for a week!

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